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NEET Free Practice Question Paper 1

Test yourselves with a set of 10 questions across each subjects. Take a piece of paper and write the answer to all the questions. Once its done, check the answers at the bottom of the page.

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Section - Physics

1. In Millikan's oil drop experiment an oil drop of radius r and charge Q is held in equilibrium between the plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor when the potential difference is V. To keep a drop of radius 2r and with a charge 2Q in equilibrium between the plates the potential difference required is:-

    (1) V

    (2) V/2

    (3) 2V

    (4) 4V

2. Light of wavelength λ strikes a photosensitive surface and electrons are ejected with kinetic energy E. If the kinetic energy is increased two time, (i.e., 2E), the wavelength must be changed to λ', where:-

    (1) λ/2 < λ' < λ

    (2) λ' > λ

    (3) λ' = λ/2

    (4) λ' < λ/2

3. A radioactive element X with a half-life period of 2 hours decays giving a stable element Y. After a time t the ratio of X to Y atoms is 1 : 7. Then t is:-

    (1) 4 hr

    (2) 6 hr

    (3) between 4 hr and 6 hr

    (4) 14 hr

4. The moment of momentum for an electron in the second orbit of hydrogen atom as per Bohr's model is:

    (1) h/π

    (2) 2πh

    (3) 2h/π

    (4) π/h

5. In a common emitter transistor circuit, when the base current is increased by 50 µA keeping the collector voltage fixed at 2V, the collector current increases by 1 mA. The current gain in the transistor is:

    (1) 20

    (2) 40

    (3) 60

    (4) 80

6. The least count of vernier callipers is 0.1 mm. The main scale reading before the zero the vernier scale is 10 and the zeroth division of the vernier scale coincides with any main scale division is 1 mm, the measured value should expressed as:-

    (1) 0.01 cm

    (2) 0.001 cm

    (3) 0.1 cm

    (4) 1.00 cm

7. A galvanometer of 50 Ω resistance when connected across the terminals of a battery of emf 2V along with the resistance 200Ω, the deflection produced in the galvanometer is 10 division. If the total number of divisions on the galvanometer scale on either side of central zero is 30, then the maximum current that can pass through the galvanometer is: -

    (1) 0.24A

    (2) 0.24 mA

    (3) 0.024A

    (4) 2.4 mA

8. A force F acting on a body depends on its displacement s as F ∝ s-1/3. The power delivered by F will depend on displacement as :

    (1) s^(2/3)

    (2) s^(-5/3)

    (3) s^(1/2)

    (4) s^0

9. A satellite is moving round the earth with a velocity v. To make the satellite escape, the minimum percentage increase in its velocity is nearly:-

    (1) 62.1%

    (2) 41.4%

    (3) 82.8%

    (4) 100%

10. The displacement of particle after time (t) is given by x = (𝑡3 − 6𝑡2 + 3𝑡 + 4) metre. What is the velocity of the particle when its acceleration is zero :

    (1) −12 m/s

    (2) −9 m/s

    (3) −6 m/s

    (4) −3 m/s

Section - Chemistry

  1. The olefin which one ozonolysis gives CH₃CH₂CHO and CH₃CHO is : (1) 1-butene (2) 2-butene (3) 1-pentene (4) 2-pentene

  2. The plastic bakelite is a compound of HCHO with : (1) benzene (2) phenol (3) ammonia (4) hydrocarbon

  3. Consider the following bromides : A. CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂Br B. CH₂=CH-CHBr-CH₃ C. CH₃-CH₂-CHBr-CH₃ The correct order of SN₁ reactivity is : (1) B > C > A (2) B > A > C (3) C > B > A (4) A > B > C

  4. Solubility of alkaline earth metal hydroxides increases from Be(OH)₂ to Ba(OH)₂ because : (1) Hydration energy > Lattice energy (2) Lattice energy > Hydration energy (3) Hydration energy = Lattice energy (4) None of these

  5. The amount of heat evolved when one mole of HCl reacts with one mole of NaOH is: (1) 13.7 K cal (2) > 13.7 K cal (3) < 13.7 K cal (4) None of these

  6. Which of the following is the most basic oxide : (1) Bi₂O₃ (2) SeO₂ (3) Al₂O₃ (4) Sb₂O₃

  7. The no. of P−O−P bonds in cyclic metaphosphoric acid is : (1) Zero (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four

  8. In the balanced reaction, the value of a, b, and c are: aCl₂ + OH⁻ → bClO₃⁻ + cCl⁻ + H₂O (1) 1, 2, 3 (2) 3, 1, 5 (3) 1, 3, 5 (4) 3, 1, 3

  9. The bonds in K₄[Fe(CN)₆] are : (1) All ionic (2) All covalent (3) Covalent and ionic (4) Ionic, Covalent and Coordinate bond

  10. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in 2s orbital is : (1) h/2π (2) 1h/2x2π (3) Zero (4) √2h/2π

Section - Biology

  1. Partial oxidation of glucose without the help of oxygen into pyruvic acid is known as (a) glycolysis (b) Kreb’s cycle (c) ETS (d) all

  2. Scheme of glycolysis is given by (a) Embden (b) Meyerhof (c) Parnas (d) All

  3. Which of the following is correct about glycolysis (EMP pathway)? (a) It is a common path for aerobic and anaerobic respiration (b) It occurs in cytoplasm (c) O2 is not required for process (d) All

  4. Glycolysis occur in how many controlled steps (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 15

  5. In plant the end product of photosynthesis is (a) sucrose (b) starch (c) glycogen (d) glucose

  6. Sucrose is converted to glucose and fructose by enzyme: (a) Maltase (b) Invertase (c) Lactase (d) Hexokinase

  7. Glucose → Glu-6-phosphate occur due to enzyme (a) Hexokinase (b) Oxidase (c) Hydrolase (d) Lyase

  8. Common to all living organism is (a) Kreb’s cycle (b) EMP pathway (c) ETC (d) All

  9. 1 molecule of glucose on glycolysis produces (a) 2 molecule of pyruvic acid (b) 1 molecule of pyruvic acid (c) 2 molecule of CO2 (d) 2 molecule of O2

  10. Which of the following is a energy yielding process? (a) 2-phosphoglycerate to 2-phosphoenol pyruvate (b) Frutose to Fructose-6-phosphate (c) Phosphoenol pyruvic acid to pyruvic acid (d) Frutose 1, 6-biphosphate to PGAL and DHAP


Answers - Physics

  1. (3) 2V

  2. (4) λ' < λ/2

  3. (2) 6 hr

  4. (1) h/π

  5. (2) 40

  6. (1) 0.01 cm

  7. (2) 0.24 mA

  8. (1) s^(2/3)

  9. (3) 82.8%

  10. (2) −9 m/s

Answers - Chemistry

  1. (2) 2-butene

  2. (2) phenol

  3. (2) B > A > C

  4. (1) Hydration energy > Lattice energy

  5. (3) < 13.7 K cal

  6. (1) Bi2O3

  7. (2) Two

  8. (1) 1, 2, 3

  9. (4) Ionic, Covalent and Coordinate bond

  10. (3) Zero

Answers - Biology

  1. (A) Glycolysis

  2. (D) All

  3. (D) All

  4. (C) 10

  5. (D) Glucose

  6. (B) Invertase

  7. (A) Hexokinase

  8. (B) EMP pathway

  9. (A) 2 molecules of pyruvic acid

  10. (C) Phosphonyl pyruvic acid to pyruvic acid

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