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NEET Free Practice Question Paper 2

Test yourselves with a set of 5 questions across each subjects. Take a piece of paper and write the answer to all the questions. Once it is done, check the answers at the bottom of the page.

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Section - Physics

  1. A certain amount of heat energy is supplied to a monatomic ideal gas which expands at constant pressure. What fraction of the heat energy is converted into work ? (a) 1/2 (b) 2/3 (c) 2/5 (d) 3/4

  2. The stationary wave u = -2a sin kx cos ωt in a closed organ pipe is the result of superposition of y = a sin (ωt - kx) and: (a) y = a sin(ωt + kx) (b) y = a cos(ωt - kx) (c) y = -a sin(ωt + kx) (d) y = -a sin(ωt - kx)

  3. Two cells of the same emf E and different internal resistances r₁ and r₂ are connected in series to an external resistance R. The value of R for which the potential difference across the first cells is zero is given by: (a) r₁ (b) r₂ (c) r₁ - r₂ (d) r₁ + r₂

  4. In the equation P = (a - γbx) where P is the pressure, x is the distance and t is the time, the dimensions of a/b are: (a) [MLT⁻¹] (b) [M²LT⁻³] (c) [LT⁻²] (d) [MT⁻²]

  5. A simple telescope consisting of an objective of focal length 50 cm and a single eye lens of focal length 5 cm is focussed on a distant object in such a way that parallel rays emerge from the eyepieces. If the object subtends an angle of 5° at the objective, the angular width of the image will be: (1) 5° (2) 50° (3) 10° (4) none of these

Section - Chemistry

  1. The highest bond order present in : (a) O₂ (b) O₂⁺ (c) O₂⁻ (d) N₂

  2. 0.04 M solution of Na2SO4 is isotonic with 0.01 M solution of sucrose at same temperature. The degree of dissociation of Na2SO4 is : (a) 75% (b) 50% (c) 100% (d) 90%

  3. The reaction A → B follow first order kinetics. The time taken for 0.8 mol of A to produce 0.6 mole of B is one hour. Half life of reaction is : (a) 60 min (b) 120 min (c) 30 min (d) 15 min

  4. 12 ml of 0.5 N sulphuric acid is neutralised with 24 ml of NaOH solution for titration. The strength in gm/lit of NaOH is : (a) 5 gm/lit (b) 10 gm/lit (c) 15 gm/lit (d) None

  5. 2 gm of a metal carbonate required 50 ml 1N HCl for complete neutralisation. The equivalent of metal carbonate is : (a) 30 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d) 60

Section - Biology

  1. Yeast poisons themselves to death when alcohol concentration reaches to _________ in alcoholic fermentation. (a) 2%   (b) 10%   (c) 13%   (d) 20%

  2. Lactic acid fermentation occurs in (a) some bacteria   (b) muscle cell under anaerobic condition   (c) both (a) and (b)   (d) aerobic condition

  3. How much % of energy released in fermentation? (a) < 1%   (b) < 7%   (c) > 10%   (d) > 20%

  4. Which of the following relation shows substrate level phosphorylation? (a) Citric acid → α-ketoglutaric acid   (b) Malic acid → oxalo-acetic acid   (c) α-ketoglutaric acid → Succinic Co A   (d) Succinyl-Co A → Succinic acid

  5. Which of the following is a `5C` compound?  (a) Oxaloacetic acid   (b) Citric acid   (c) α-ketoglutaric acid   (d) Succinic acid


Answers - Physics

  1. (b) 2/3

  2. (c) y = -a sin(ωt + kx)

  3. (c) r₁ - r₂

  4. (a) [MLT⁻¹]

  5. (b) 50°

Answers - Chemistry

  1. (a) N₂

  2. (b) 50%

  3. (a) 60 min

  4. (b) 10 gm/lit

  5. (b) 40

Answers - Biology

  1. (c) 13%

  2. (c) both (a) and (b)

  3. (b) < 7%

  4. (d) Succinyl-Co A → Succinic acid

  5. (b) Citric acid

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