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NEET Questions - Free Biology Test Series - The Living World #1 (Easy)

Scroll to the bottom to access the NEET Biology questions from the chapter The Living World. For tips to learn the chapter, please read through this blog before starting the test.

The "Living World" chapter is the opening gateway to the fascinating world of Biology for NEET aspirants. This chapter not only introduces students to the diversity of life forms present on Earth but also lays the foundational concepts that are essential for understanding more complex topics in biology. As you embark on your journey through the intricate and intriguing study of life, here are some insights and preparation tips for mastering this chapter.

Understanding "The Living World"

What Is Living?

The quest begins with an exploration of what distinguishes the living from the non-living. Understanding the defining characteristics of life, such as metabolism, cellular organization, consciousness (response to external stimuli), reproduction, growth, and adaptation, is crucial. These properties set the stage for a deeper investigation into the diversity of life forms.

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Biodiversity and Its Importance

Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms, including diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. This section of the chapter highlights the significance of biodiversity for ecosystem stability, human welfare, and its intrinsic value. Students should grasp the concept of biodiversity hotspots and the critical need for conservation.

Classification and Taxonomy

The systematic classification of living organisms is an essential tool for biological sciences. It helps in organizing the vast diversity of life forms into categories that can be easily studied and understood. Familiarize yourself with the hierarchy of classification – Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species, as well as the three-domain system. Understanding the basis of classification and the characteristics of different taxonomic groups is vital for NEET.


The binomial system of nomenclature, introduced by Carl Linnaeus, is a universal system for naming living organisms. It involves two names: the genus and the species. This standardized naming system is important for avoiding confusion caused by local and common names.

Preparation Tips for "The Living World"

Conceptual Clarity: Start with building a strong foundation by understanding the basic concepts thoroughly. Use diagrams and flowcharts to remember the taxonomical hierarchy and the characteristics of different groups of organisms.

NCERT Textbook: The NCERT textbook for biology is your holy grail. Make sure to read and re-read the chapter from the textbook, as it covers all the essential concepts and details required for NEET.

Make Notes: Create concise notes highlighting important definitions, examples of species for each taxonomic category, and differences between closely related terms. These notes will be invaluable for revision.

Previous Year Questions: Solve previous years' NEET questions related to this chapter. This practice will give you an insight into the type of questions asked and the pattern followed.

Regular Revision: Regular revision is key to retaining information. Schedule weekly revisions of the chapter to keep the information fresh in your mind.

Use Mnemonics: Employ mnemonics to remember the order of taxonomic categories and other lists. Mnemonics are a fun and effective way to memorize information that might otherwise be easily forgotten.

Mock Tests and Quizzes: Participate in mock tests and quizzes to assess your understanding and application of the chapter's concepts. This will also help in managing time during the actual exam.

Stay Curious: Always keep a curious mind. Try to relate what you learn with real-life examples and current events related to biodiversity and conservation. This not only aids in better understanding but also makes learning more interesting.

Ready to take some NEET Questions on The Living World?

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Which of the following is an incorrect match regarding the five kingdom classification? A) Monera - Prokaryotic and unicellular B) Protista - Eukaryotic and multicellular C) Fungi - Cell wall made of chitin D) Plantae - Autotrophic and multicellular


Which of the following taxonomical aids is correctly paired with its description? A) Herbarium - Live collection of cultivated plants B) Botanical gardens - Preserved plant specimens arranged in the order of classification C) Zoological parks - Collections of living animals for reference D) Keys - Tools for identification of plants and animals based on similarities and dissimilarities


Which of the following is the correct binomial nomenclature? A) Panthera leo - The scientific name for lion, written in italics and the genus name starts with a capital letter while the species name starts with a small letter. B) Homo Sapiens - The scientific name for humans, not italicized and both genus and species names start with capital letters. C) mangifera indica - The scientific name for mango, all in lowercase. D) Felis catus - The scientific name for domestic cat, not italicized.


Which option lists the taxonomical categories in the correct hierarchical order from highest to lowest? A) Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species B) Kingdom > Order > Class > Phylum > Family > Genus > Species C) Phylum > Kingdom > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species D) Species > Genus > Family > Order > Class > Phylum > Kingdom


Which of the following characteristics is not associated with the Kingdom Fungi? A) Autotrophic mode of nutrition B) Cell walls made of chitin C) Heterotrophic mode of nutrition D) Reproduction through spores

All the above questions were generated by our chatbot trained on NCERT books and thousands of NEET questions. Book a demo today and excel in the NEET exam.

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