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NEET Questions - Free Chemistry Test Series - Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties #9 (Easy)

Scroll to the bottom to access the NEET Chemistry questions from the chapter Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties. For tips to learn the chapter, please read through this blog before starting the test.

Understanding the classification of elements and their periodicity is a fundamental part of chemistry that lays the groundwork for comprehending various chemical reactions and properties. This chapter is crucial for students preparing for competitive exams like NEET, as it covers the basics that link to more complex concepts in chemistry.

Understanding Classification of Elements:

The classification of elements into different groups and periods is based on the modern periodic law, which states that the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic numbers. This means that elements are arranged in the periodic table in order of increasing atomic numbers which leads to the periodic recurrence of elements with similar physical and chemical properties.

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Periodicity in Properties:

Periodicity refers to the recurring trends that are observed in the properties of elements as one moves through the periodic table. These properties include atomic size, ionization enthalpy, electron affinity, valence, oxidation states, and chemical reactivity.

Atomic and Ionic Radii: As we move from left to right in a period, the atomic radius decreases due to the increase in the nuclear charge which pulls the electrons closer to the nucleus. In contrast, down a group, atomic size increases due to the addition of a new electron shell.

Ionization Enthalpy: This is the energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from an isolated gaseous atom. Ionization enthalpy generally increases across a period and decreases down a group.

Electron Gain Enthalpy: It is the energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a neutral atom. Elements with more negative electron gain enthalpy are more likely to gain an electron.

Electronegativity: It is a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons. Like ionization energy, electronegativity increases across a period and decreases down a group.

Tips for Mastering Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Understand the Periodic Table Layout: Familiarize yourself with the layout of the periodic table, noting the periods, groups, and classification of elements into s, p, d, and f blocks.

Memorize Trends: Pay special attention to the trends in atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity. Understanding these trends is crucial as they are often tested in exams.

Practice Questions: Solve as many practice questions as possible to understand the application of periodic trends in predicting the chemical and physical properties of elements.

Use Mnemonics: Employ mnemonics to remember the order of elements, especially for the first twenty elements and transition metals, as they frequently appear in questions.

Review Group Properties: Study the properties of elements group-wise, as elements in the same group exhibit similar chemical behavior due to their similar valence electron configurations.

Conceptual Understanding: Focus on understanding the concepts rather than rote memorization. Understanding why certain trends occur in the periodic table will help you answer questions that are not straightforward.

Revision: Regular revision is key. Go back to topics you have covered periodically to ensure that the information stays fresh in your mind.

Previous Year Questions: Analyze and solve previous years’ NEET questions related to this chapter to get an idea of the types of questions asked and the level of difficulty.

Visual Aids: Use charts, diagrams, and videos to better understand and visualize the trends and classifications in the periodic table.

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What is the basic theme of organization in the periodic table? (a) Atomic mass (b) Molecular weight (c) Atomic number (d) Number of neutrons


Which of the following statements is true regarding the Mendeleev’s Periodic Law and the Modern Periodic Law? (a) Both are based on the atomic number. (b) Both are based on the atomic mass. (c) Mendeleev’s law is based on atomic mass, whereas the Modern Periodic Law is based on atomic number. (d) Mendeleev’s law is based on atomic number, whereas the Modern Periodic Law is based on atomic mass.


How does atomic radius vary in a period and in a group? (a) Increases across a period and decreases down a group (b) Decreases across a period and increases down a group (c) Remains constant across a period and increases down a group (d) Decreases across a period and remains constant down a group


Write the atomic number of the element present in the third period and seventeenth group of the periodic table. (a) 17 (b) 35 (c) 53 (d) 7


Isoelectronic species are atoms or ions that have the same number of electrons. Which of the following sets consists entirely of isoelectronic species? (a) O²⁻, F⁻, Ne, Na (b) Li⁺, Be²⁺, B³⁺, C⁴⁺ (c) N³⁻, O²⁻, F⁻, Mg²⁺ (d) H⁺, He, Li⁺, Be²⁺

All the above questions were generated by our chatbot trained on NCERT books and thousands of NEET questions. Book a demo today and excel in the NEET exam.

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